Friday, May 25, 2012

Three days, the Ups and Downs

By now it's Friday evening and well - that last few days have been interesting. As I expected, the day after surgery was the most difficult and painful (as described in my last post). Thursday and today both were slightly better. More energy overall - especially in the mornings. At least when I do fall asleep I get very deep sleep. The pain has not changed tremendously. I still take the pain medication every 4-5 hours. Taking the nausea medication (whether I'm nauseous or not) definitely helps make me feel less shaking overall. Particularly later in the day when I feel like my blood sugar has dropped or I'm ready to eat another meal.

I'm starting to be able to feel some tingling where the incision must be. Normally I feel it when I'm moving into drastically different positions such as swinging my leg down and off the bed, or half picking up and assisting my leg up onto the bed or couch. My brace is unlocked in both flexion and extension. I'm doing my best to stretch as much as possible along with keeping my foot and ankle moving.

Today I went to physical therapy. There isn't a lot we can do without being weight bearing but we did go back to the basics. Heel slides, calf stretches and variations of straight leg lifts. I can also cleared to continue my range of motion work. Tomorrow I will start hanging my legs off the bed or chair to work toward 90deg.

I'm hoping that by the end of this weekend my energy and pain levels will even out more. I also hope that I will be able to back off the meds so that I can start taking 1 instead of 2 and try to move from every 4hrs to every 6hrs.

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