Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Physical Therapy, Daily Routine

Here are the exercises that I am currently doing to maintain some strength in my quad/hamstrings and knee; along with flexibility. [Week 1,2,3...]

Warm Up
- Heel Slides (20x, work to 30x)
- Calf Stretch, seated (with strap or band)

- Quad Sets (3-5minutes, flex & hold quad for 5sec intervals)
   -- At PT I do the quad sets with the E-Stim and do 10sec intervals
- Leg Lifts, with bolster under knees (30x)
- Straight Leg Lifts (laying down, right knee bent, 30x)

At Home I also add:
- Abduction Leg Lifts (30x)
   -- Lay on 'good' side and lift 'bad' leg up. Works outside muscles of thigh.
- Adduction Leg Lifts (30x)
   -- Lay on 'bad' side, cross good leg over and across, lift bottom leg up. Works inside muscles of thigh.
- Seated Leg Extensions (30x)
   -- If you can sit on edge of bed/table & if you can bend to 90deg
   -- Sit with legs hanging and knees bent to 90deg, extend leg up and into the straight 0deg position

Final Stretches
- Hamstring Stretch, with strap or band. Lay on back, pull leg (straight) up, toward head. 3x/30sec
- IT Band Stretch, with strap or band. Lay on back, pull leg (straight) up & then across body. Keep foot pulled up toward head. You should feel stretch along outer thigh from knee to butt. 3x/30sec

Keep the rest of your body stretched. You will get sore from crutches (arms, hands, shoulders, back) as well as possibly right leg and hip/glute. Take care of your body - heat and ice work wonders!

**Make sure that you have a pillow or bolster between knees and be very careful of your incision.
**Do not perform if you are in pain or are putting direct pressure on incision.

***Do not worry if you can't do 30x right away. Work up to 10x, then 20x, then 30x... (Most important are the straight leg lifts. Don't worry if you can't do sets of 10 - work to 30 with as many breaks as you need. It's okay to do 2-3, break, do 2-3more. Push to 30 - you can do it!)



  1. Hi - I found your blog while searching for information on this surgery. I have a torn MPFL and it has been suggested that I have the reconstruction surgery. Doc said I don't have to rush to get it done, so I am gathering as much information as I can to try and plan as much as I can, including seeing how this will affect me working. Did you move to another site, or are you ok? I notice that you stopped posting. I would like to ask a few questions if you don't mind. Thank you,

    1. Sorry for the delayed response - I guess I just got kind of lazy keeping up with my blog. I had some others things going on the last few months that I also had to deal with.
      I can definitely do my best to answer your questions though!

      My knee is doing great now (6mo post op). In September I was cleared to begin a walk-to-run program. It was difficult at first. We had also progressed in therapy to single leg squats, hopping/jumping with both and single leg, and ladder drills (for speed and agility). Most people are concerned with the knee - but you forget how many other muscles atrophy in your calf/ankle/feet.

      Pushing off of your toes to jump and run is a lot harder than I expected it to be (and you feel really silly trying at first). I just had to stick with it and be careful not to get tendonitis in my ankles. You have to be very aware of your body and your form. I can be difficult to teach yourself not to overcompensate anymore; at least it was for me. Even now I still have to be attentive and vigilant.

      I actually joined a couch to 5k running club local to me. I'm in week 9 of the 12 week program. I'm very happy I did it, it has kept me on track and it's nice to run with other people at your own pace. Got new sneakers, read lots of running articles/videos and am working to continually get better. Definitely be sure to stretch, foam roll/trigger point, ice (definitely!), and take epsom salt baths. It's easy to over due it but as the weeks go by if you take care of yourself as I listed and listen to your body you'll be surprised how far you can come.

      My quad muscles are coming back. I can do most anything. Mornings tend to be stiff but usually the rest of the day is fine. I can tell I obviously had surgery - but each week it feels more 'normal'.

      What other questions do you have? I'm assuming more about the procedure itself and the earlier months of recover?

      I will try to back date some posts from what I can remember as the months progressed.

  2. Great blog. When did you return to work or feel that you could have? I'm a teacher and really don't want to be out. I was thinking 4 days?? Return to work on 5th day?? Do you have any advice?
    Thank you,
